Institutional Membership
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Become an Institutional Member of IPSA
5XÉçÇøInstitutional Membership Categories
- Institutional Membership - Libraries US$ 200
- Institutional Membership - Organizations US$ 400
You can view the institutional membership benefits below.
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Institutional Membership Benefits
International Political Science Review (IPSR)
5 issues per year
ISSN: 0192-5121
IPSR is committed to publishing peer-reviewed articles that make a significant contribution to international political science. It fosters the creation and dissemination of rigorous political inquiry while respecting different approaches and methods.
Join the 5XÉçÇøCommunity
5XÉçÇøbrings together an international community of more than 4,000 members from all areas of political science. 5XÉçÇømembers can connect with peers from all around the world and benefit from this major source of academic networking opportunities.
Discounts on 5XÉçÇøservices
Organizations Only
5XÉçÇøIndividual Membership
Get five (5) US$ 15 discount 5XÉçÇøindividual membership!
Get five (5) US$ 20 discount for registrations to the 5XÉçÇøWorld Congress of Political Science!
50% Discount on International Political Science Abstracts
6 issues per year
ISSN: 0020-8345
Regular Price: US$ 1,574
5XÉçÇøMembers: US$ 787
Abstracts is a global resource, providing non-evaluative abstracts of articles published in scholarly journals from every region of the world.
Past Conferences Proceedings Library
Looking for a paper covering your research field?
5XÉçÇøConferences Proceedings Library counts 16,945 paper abstracts and 9,297 full papers from previous 5XÉçÇøevents.
Take part in 5XÉçÇøResearch Committees
Organizations Only
5XÉçÇøResearch Committees (RC) are sub-structures of 5XÉçÇødeveloping research in specific fields of political science. The RCs' main mission is to conduct research based on international cooperation. There are currently 53 5XÉçÇøResearch Committees.
ISSN: 0709-6941
This 5XÉçÇøbulletin offers detailed information and in-depth articles about the 5XÉçÇøWorld Congress of Political Science.
It also provides political science news from our National Associations, Research Committees and 5XÉçÇøSummer Schools.
Promote your Work
Organizations Only
Spread the word! 5XÉçÇømembers can post articles about their books, events, call for papers, job openings, awards and more on the 5XÉçÇøwebsite, social media and e-newsletter. Our social media accounts have a combined following of close to 170,000 users and our monthly newsletter is distributed to about 9,000 members of the global political science scene.
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